Essay: Augustine, Audience, and Blogging

This was my final research essay for a class titled "Rhetorical Theory" in Fall of 2011. In it I draw on Augustine to make parallels about the critical importance of focusing on the audience when blogging.

Despite putting a lot of time and considerable effort into this paper, I only made a B. My professor's final remarks read: "The focus of your essay remains abstract and broad, and the application of Augustine is not consistent. You do pretty well clarifying the role of the subdued and middle style, but the discussion of the grand style is not clear. Elsewhere, you connect format to audience understanding, but you don't offer and analyze specific examples that would explain the connection that you present. You use other secondary sources well, but the application of Augustine's principles seems forced at times."

While it seems that my essay was not as good as it could have been, I put a lot of work into this essay and am still proud of the final product that I created:
